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MOVE - Day 37 of the Healing Journey of Jesus

Doc Joy and Kuya Vigil walking around Belvedere Park, Merville, Paranaque


My Kuya Vigil and I walked around Belvedere Park between 7 to 8 in the morning even during the pandemic. Our target is to get him to do 10,000 steps daily. We started with just 2 rounds at first and did 1,500 steps a day. We slowly increased by 500 to 1000 steps daily. When he was tired, we sat on one of the benches. One time, I even asked him to hug a tree. I noticed that he enjoyed our morning walks and looked forward to it every day.

When you were told that you had cancer, you were in grief. You probably asked yourself, "How can this be?”. You probably even got mad at God and shouted, "Why did You let this happen? I still have a lot of plans." You probably even made a bargain with God and said, “If You heal me, I will serve You. I will give away half of my possessions.” When it took some time for God to answer your plea, you wallowed in self-pity and became depressed. Then, you came to your senses and accepted your fate. Finally, you realized that God is asking you to move if you want to be healed. You had to do your part and awaken the healer in yourself. It is time to move your body to make your bones, muscles and joints stronger and to improve your mood, body image, and self-worth. Regular physical activities will also help you sleep better at night. Therefore, start moving!


From John 5:8-9, "Jesus said to him, 'Rise. Take up your mat and walk.' Immediately the man became well. Took up his mat and walked."


God the Father, I am truly sorry for having offended You especially when I ignore Your voice. May I act according to Your will for my life and that entails heeding Your instructions and following where You lead me. I ask for the intercession of Mama Mary and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name. AMEN


Take those first 100 steps today until you reach 10,000 steps daily.

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