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There was once an acrobat who rode a one-wheel bike across a steel wire attached to two poles about 100 feet from the ground. One time, he asked for a volunteer whom he will carry on his shoulder as he cross the wire from one pole to the other. No one dared to take his challenge. But there was one little girl who volunteered. While the audience below gasped, the man successfully brought the girl to the other side without mishap. When the crowd asked the girl if she was afraid, the girl replied, "No, because he is my father."

God is the Father whom you can really trust to help you when You call out His name. He will carry you on His shoulders when you feel like giving up. You can always run to Him and He will receive you with His arms wide open, especially when you are suffering or in distress.

Today is Day 19 of the 30 days to Change Your Life After Cancer Diagnosis. When you PAUSE, you reflect on God's words. When you PRAY, you ask for God's help, And when you PERFORM, you do your best and God will do the rest because " without works is dead."(James 2:26)


From Hosea 6:1, "Come, let us return to the Lord, it is he who has rent, but he will heal us; he has struck us, but he will bind our wounds."


Lord God, Heavenly King, teach me to trust in You that You will not give me more than I can bear. You will heal all my wounds. All these I ask in Jesus Name. AMEN.


Start a three-o-clock habit and say, "Jesus, I trust in You."

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