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Updated: Mar 9, 2021

When you are diagnosed with cancer, you have to think about your management and treatment, especially after the initial shock, denial and other emotions you have to go through in order to survive. You have to consult your attending physician. You have to seek advice from your family. Sometimes, you have to listen to the suggestions of your well-meaning relatives and friends. However, It takes humility to open your heart and mind and uncover your ears to listen to God's message for you in order to be healed. Your attending physician will explain the results to come up with the right diagnosis and discuss your treatment options based on your staging and or grading. Your family will give you moral and financial support. Some of your relatives and friends will speak their mind as to what they think is best for you. Your job is to weigh the pros and cons and to choose the lesser evil and minimize error of judgment. This is the time to surrender to God's will. Ask for the intercession of Mama Mary. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit so that whatever you decide will bring you full recovery and remission to spend more time with your family, fulfill your sacred mission and love God and your neighbor as yourself. There may be complications from surgery like pain and swelling and side effects from chemotherapy and radiotherapy but some of them are only temporary. Seek help so that you can cope with some if not all of them.

Being meek is not allowing others to dictate your actions. Being meek is being humble enough to listen to the opinion of others and then you decide for yourself. But you ask guidance from the Holy Spirit to enlighten you as to what is the best option for you. You entrust yourself to the Immaculate Mother, your body and soul, your goods, both interior and exterior and the value of all your good works because she brings you closer to her son, Jesus. You may experience suffering from the choices that you make because of the complications and side effects of treatment. But you can do all things through Christ who strengthens and heals.

Today is Day 14 of the 30 days to Change Your Life After Cancer Diagnosis. When you PAUSE, you reflect on God's words. When you PRAY, you ask for God's help, And when you PERFORM, you do your best and God will do the rest because " without works is dead."(James 2:26)


From 2 Kings 5:10,14: "The prophet sent him the message: 'Go and wash seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will heal, and you will be clean...So Naaman went down and plunged into the Jordan seven times at the word of the man of God. His flesh became again like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.'"


Father God, we worship You for You are our Healer. You are the Great Physician. We beseech You to make us meek in body, mind and soul to trust the people you send our way to help us in our journey to healing our disease. We give our doctors the space for we need them, too. It was You who established their profession. Grant them the wisdom to arrive at a correct diagnosis and give them the skills to do no harm. May their treatment bring about a cure. But whatever may be the outcome based on our decision, we will not stop praising You and thanking You because You also send us Mama Mary to intercede for us as well as the Holy Spirit to guide us in our quest for healing. in Jesus Name. AMEN.


Write your treatment options and find out the advantages and disadvantages of each and pray over them to help you decide what will work best for you.

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